About Tisha M. Paredes
Dr. Tisha Paredes is an international accreditation expert and leader in higher education, with over 25 years of experience specializing in institutional effectiveness, accreditation, and assessment. Since 2006, she has cultivated a deep understanding of institutional operations through hands-on roles, including accreditation reviewer, team leader, and head of institutional effectiveness. She has worked extensively with leadership, faculty, and staff to create robust assessment plans and ensure compliance with SACSCOC standards.
tisha previously served as Assistant Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness and Assessment at Old Dominion University, where she guided general education reform, developed rubrics, and oversaw institutional accreditation. She has delivered over 50 workshops and consultations on topics such as accreditation preparation, document review, academic and administrative assessment, QEP development, and creating infrastructures for sustained institutional effectiveness.
Tisha is also the author of Using Focus Groups to Listen, Learn, and Lead in Higher Education (2018) and the chapter Re-Imagining the Future of Experiential Learning Through a Campus-Wide Design Thinking Initiative in Applying Design Thinking to the Measurement of Experiential Learning (2021) and is a Fulbright Specialist. She holds a Ph.D. in Higher Education from Old Dominion University.
Presentations and Publications
Using Focus Groups to Listen, Learn, and Lead in Higher Education
Mona J.E. Danner, J. Worth Pickering and Tisha M. Paredes
Using Focus Groups to Listen, Learn, and Lead in Higher Education presents an easy-to-use 6-step guide to help leaders in higher education listen to and learn from their stakeholders in order to enhance decision making. The big questions facing institutions today……click here to read more.
When Learning Organizations Learn
Accreditation Conversations Podcast
Join us as we discuss:
– Why assessment should lead to improvement
– How to handle an identified weak area
– Investing in people by demystifying accreditation
– Becoming a reviewer
– The future of accreditation
Listen on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or your favorite podcast player.